For quite a while I have been struggling with my blogging dilemma. I originally started the blog to let family and friends know what Annie and I are doing with ourselves in California. That was fine for a while, but I kept getting these urges to use the blog for my own purposes, which was difficult because the blog was under both mine and Annie's names. I felt like I needed to run everything by Annie before it could be posted (if her name was on it, she should know what she was endorsing). So in response to my ever growing need to rant, vent, share and inform, I started this blog.
This new blog will be my own forum to speak what I am thinking independent of Annie. But that is not to say that the other blog will be neglected. If Annie and I do something fun together, it will most definitely be posted there, and possibly here as well. My goal is to have to separate blogs for the two of us.
8 years ago